A collection of images to supplement reading of The Sound of Things to Come.

The albums

The album covers collected here present the major film soundtracks discussed in the book. Other than the films themselves, these albums were the major source of study and inspiration throughout the writing of The Sound of Things to Come. Some are compelling sonorous objects in their own right, like Smithsonian Folkways collection of Henry Jacobs' audio selections, Highlights of Vortex (1952), the original hexagonal vinyl of Gil Mellé's soundtrack for The Andromeda Strain (1971), the competing versions of scores for Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange (1971), or the intermediary version of the Blade Runner soundtrack performed by the New American Orchestra while fans waited until 1994, when the Vangelis version, including sound effects, ambiences, and dialogue, was at last officially released.

The galleries here are intended as educational supports for reading and study of The Sound of Things to Come: An Audible History of the Science Fiction Film. No images are included in the book itself.